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Find Support in Your Community
Do remember that there are many sources for support in your community:
1.  Therapists and psychiatrists available through your health plan.
2.  Primary care, family, or ob-gyn physicians who are familiar with prescribing anti-depressant and anti-anxiety medications.
3.  Private practice therapists willing to charge via a sliding scale.  Start calling from your Yellow Pages.
4.  Area and national Psychological Associations that have referral systems.
5.  Family Service Agencies in your community supported by United Way that offer low cost counseling.  Also Catholic Social Services and Lutheran Social Services.
6.  Churches that provide pastoral and lay counseling services.
7.  The plethora of Twelve Step programs for those suffering from addictions and separate programs for family members.
8.  Online chat rooms and meetings for Twelve Step programs.  Very helpful when you are in a more isolated area or are unable due to health or financial reasons to attend meetings in person.
9.  Joining ANYTHING!  Breaking isolation is the first step to healing.
10.  Good old prayer.  Just you and your Higher Power.  Free.  Always available. It works!
