1. Saying YES when you mean NO
leads to emotional distress, stomachaches, headaches, and RESENTMENT. You need to match what you
feel inside with what comes out of your mouth.
2. RESENTMENT leads to anger, to rage, and to hurting others and ourselves. Use
RESENTMENT as a barometer...it can tell you when you should be saying NO.
3. Saying NO may create more conflict or distress in the moment but spares you
much agony in the long run.
4. Saying NO in a polite, straightforward way is NOT rude.
5. Saying NO in a polite, straightforward way rarely damages relationships...saying
YES when you don't mean it, DOES.
6. Labeling the feeling you get after you say NO as guilt
is incorrect. Guilt is the feeling you should feel when you do something bad...like rob a bank!
7. That uncomfortable feeling you get when you first practice saying NO
simply means you are doing something NEW. Pat yourself on the back!